Salon Balayage i Washington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterSalon Balayage



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1850, M Street Northwest, 20036, Washington, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 202-463-4229
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Latitude: 38.905522, Longitude: -77.0430346

kommentar 5

  • en

    Laura B.


    Talented staff, warm and welcoming atmosphere. The owner, Linda, has been cutting and coloring my hair for over 15 years.

  • en

    Ronita Poole


    Hairstylist Victoria is GREAT! She does a mean blow-dry with the roller brush, makes my hair look like it's relaxed or permed. Not many folks in my experience with my hair can do what she does with a roller brush. I am always pleased with her work and pleasant personality. I always get compliments when Victoria styles my hair.

  • No name B

    No name B


    Terrific staff and service. Intimate setting setting and very personal attention. Linda and Robert worked until I was perfectly satisfied. Maria is a breath of fresh air. Come here.

  • en

    Ida Bergstrom


    Have been seeing Robert for many years. He is wonderful and always current on the latest trends and techniques. Have recommended him to many friends and family and I can't say enough good things about him.

  • Ce Harrison

    Ce Harrison


    First went to Nathalie and she was wonderful with the color, both Balayage and blue. Her blow out was gorgeous and I could listen to her talk all day. Lovely demeanor and very accommodating. Next i went to Linda and I cant say enough good things about the way she treats her clients. She is gracious, very positive, very honest about her thoughts about what looks best and what doesn't, and willing to try new things. She is an artist with hair. Everyone in the salon is into treating the entire person. They are polite and helpful. Its a lovely and calm atmosphere. Feels so good to be there and having it near work is a huge plus for me. After searching in DC for years for a new stylist I happened to have been recommended here by a coworker. So happy with my decision.

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