Salon Asa w Lexington

Stany ZjednoczoneSalon Asa



🕗 godziny otwarcia

89, Southport Drive, 40503, Lexington, Fayette County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 859-276-5335
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.0190341, Longitude: -84.5266614

komentarze 5

  • en

    Mo Baughman


    My experience is always good with Erie Johnson he is a very talented man and he has growing hands!! Women love growing hands

  • Hannah H

    Hannah H


    For several years, my mother and I have gone to April for all our hair needs. We are always very pleased with her services. She is good at her profession and makes sure that you leave the salon happy. Everyone at the salon is friendly and the atmosphere is calm and inviting. I look forward to trying other health and wellness services that are offered there. I have no plans to go to anyone else, April does an exceptional job.

  • Karissa Porter

    Karissa Porter


    Had a great experience at Salon Asa! They got me in quickly and Paige gave me a great neck an shoulder massage. Everyone was very friendly and extremely helpful. Would most definitely come back!

  • en

    Kimberly Leet


    April has been doing my hair for about 15 years now! I won't go to anyone else, unless it's Michael or Ernie (also at this salon). My teen is a loyal regular customer with Ernie. The salon is always spotlessly clean, nicely decorated and the staff is all very friendly. The use of organic products leaves your hair healthy even after treatments that are bad for your hair at other salons. I highly recommend to everyone who asks me!

  • Judy Beach

    Judy Beach


    This salon is awesome! The stylists are amazing. I'm getting great comments on my hair all the time now. I used to over process my hair, and now it's healthy and looking good. I love the organic products, and the knowledgeable staff. Everyone is friendly there, and it's a fun atmosphere. I think this is a great location for all ages, as I've seen toddlers, teens and all ages there. i won't go anywhere else now!!!!

najbliższy Salon piękności

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