Safeway Pharmacy w Portland

Stany ZjednoczoneSafeway Pharmacy



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1303, Northwest Lovejoy Street, 97209, Portland, Multnomah County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 503-205-6751
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 45.530245, Longitude: -122.6848787

komentarze 5

  • en

    Marissa Benner


    I love this pharmacy! My prescriptions are always ready on time and the staff is helpful. I started a new medication last week and the pharmacist spent 10 minutes talking to me about what to expect while on the med. Another time I was only able to get a prescription partially filled (they only had 3 pills left) and the staff member took the time to make sure the med was covered by my insurance so that when I picked up the rest of the prescription, I wouldn’t be surprised by the price. They are very well organized. Thanks Safeway pharmacy team!

  • Christian Hesketh

    Christian Hesketh


    Gave them my pharmacy and prescription information from Seattle, and they told me to come back at 12pm the next day. I thought it was strange that they didn't call the pharmacy right away and fill it, but oh well. I come back at 5pm that day to find out they have no record of my information, but they did try to fill it, but my pharmacy was closed (!!??). They then proceeded to make me wait literally over 1 hour as they did who knows what. I don't know if all pharmacies in Portland are like this, but this one is terrible.

  • en

    DeAnna Z


    I have never received a prescription here without some sort of hassle. Beyond usually waiting for a half hour in line, the total time to get a called in prescription is around 45 minutes. If you bring a prescription in it can easily end up an hour and half. I'm writing this while I've been on hold for 20 minutes...only to be once again treated very unprofessionally by Macy, the pharmacist on duty. Sigh- Safeway this is unacceptable. Up your standards and get rid of the lousy pharmacists.

  • en

    Catsronaut 393


    Very impressed. The staff is professional, knowledgeable and caring. On two separate occasions now they have caught mistakes the prescribing doctors (even an ER doc) has made. They are actually fast for a busy inner-City pharmacy within walking distance to an ER, hospital and urgent Cares.

  • alex Kraft

    alex Kraft


    I have been here 5 times now, every time has been horrible. This time I have been waiting for 20 minutes when my prescription was filled an hour ago. I don't know of its staffing or what but this place is the worst!

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