Safeway in Phoenix

Vereinigte StaatenSafeway



🕗 öffnungszeiten

4005, East Chandler Boulevard, 85048, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakte telefon: +1 480-759-9611
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 33.3030611, Longitude: -111.9965447

kommentare 5

  • en

    Pea Grub


    Cart locked up as I was walking out of the store with my purchases. Will not shop in this store again. Hurt my back trying to get the cart to move. Strongly recommend everyone skip this store!

  • en



    Excellent SALE prices. Otherwise... and as a single man, I do NOT like the necessity of us ing their app to get a deal. OR having to buy 4 of the same item, or 10 for savings...

  • en

    Albert Straniti


    Safeway is great. I didn't know I could get money off gas with my Safeway card. Now I can save even more.

  • Maggie LaVerne

    Maggie LaVerne


    Weird atmosphere. Hard to explain. No one except one cashier seems happy to be there. She's always so chipper. Prices are generally high, but when the place across the street is closed, that's the place to go for discounted or clearanced food.

  • en

    Teresa Temple


    There was a Oriental lady. Because of her, I would shop there again. . On my way out someone called 3 is a crowd and a woman with short hair and a little ponytail in the middle of it, was walking to the registers and says rudely..."that's enough all ready". Pretty rude and obviously not wanting to get on a register...that one cashier made it all worthwhile. Think her name was Siti

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