Saf-T-Swim of Bellmore w Bellmore

Stany ZjednoczoneSaf-T-Swim of Bellmore



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2050, Bellmore Avenue, 11710, Bellmore, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-557-2114
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6727317, Longitude: -73.5273205

komentarze 5

  • Nevaeh Alfano

    Nevaeh Alfano


  • en

    Albert Mekhaiel


    Non Organized place , they keep changing the Instructors , the whole idea is to get a stable instructor to your child , which is not there , every couple of weeks , your child will have a new instructor who knows nothing about your child , and take time to get in track with your child , then again left the place , and you have to start with another one. This leads to build up make ups , which at the end will expire , in clear speech you pay money and be ready that they will be gone . My daughter for the last 2 yrs and still in level 3 . don't go there. AN UPDATE , I contacted the Safe-T Swim corporate office : I Asked for any responsible person to inform with my claim , the reply was , no one here to take this complain . Corporate office , that has no one to even talk to you about the problem you have it with the branch. Just pay little more money and go any where else.

  • ryan parchment

    ryan parchment


    This place has great ambience, kids friendly and clean. I love the staff, very experienced and customer-friendly. I love the front desk staff on Saturday, Chris, Sarah etc. The pool is not that deep, which gives you a piece of mine when your kids are learning how to swim. Great place for birthday parties also.

  • en

    Ian Fitzgerald


    Great instructors and the one way mirror is ingenious for watching your kids without distracting them or the instructors. All the instructors and the girls at the desk are so extremely nice and great with the kids. Worth every penny.

  • Kevin Murphy

    Kevin Murphy


    Great place to teach the kids to swim. Everyone is so nice. My oldest LOVES his instructor, won't swim with anyone else.

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