Sacramento Movers w Sacramento

Stany ZjednoczoneSacramento Movers



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4451, Gateway Park Boulevard, 95834, Sacramento, Sacramento County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 916-473-5451
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 38.65401, Longitude: -121.5051141

komentarze 3

  • en

    Rashada Wanzer


    If I could give them a true rating it would be -100! I called and got a quote from the owner and set up an appointment for a Saturday morning. He said it would be fine, he'd have 4 guys out there and would let me know what time in the morning. The morning passed and noone showed. I called reportedly and sent text. No reply. Finally around noonish the owner answered his cell and told me that he had gotten my messages but was waiting to let me know a concrete time because he was dealing with something. He assured me that the guys would be there in a couple of hours. Around 3 something noone had showed up so I tried calling and texting again. reply. Around 8 something, after still hearing nothing and noone showing up, I sent another text asking if someone was going to come or if I needed to contact another company. Still no reply. The next morning I sent a text asking again if someone was coming or if I needed to call another company, the owner called me saying that they were just too busy and that they didn't have anyone who could come and that he must have tried to call the wrong number (how when it's in your phone from text messages). I told him that would have been nice information to know the day before and asked what the name of his company was ( I had forgotten because it had been a few days since I initially found them on the Internet and we had been communicating using his cell phone not the business phone), his reply " why, so you can complain about me, yeah right". I just hung up. Luckily, I still had my notes from my search, so I'm able to write this review just now. This company is not professional and had a zero level of customer service skills. My rating is a negative 100!!!!

  • en

    Matt Stettner


    They were professional, didn't dwindle around and we're very quick but also cautious with moving. I highly recommend this company and will definitely be using them for my next move.

  • Mary Victor

    Mary Victor


    These Sacramento Movers did an awesome job moving us to our new home last week. Found this moving company through a friend at work that alot of great things to say about their experience moving from their Sacramento home down to San Francisco. After our own experience... we're really glad we chose these professional movers to relocate us as well and had to rave about them. From the informative tips they provided over the phone while setting up our reservation, all the way up until the completion of our move it was a good experience. First off, No deposit required to set up our reservation which worked out wonderfully because we had to change our move date twice due to the closing of our new home being delayed. These Sacramento movers and office staff were extremely friendly and overall super dealing with my stressed out husband and I. :) Crew showed up on time move day and absolutely nothing damaged! Professional movers at reasonable rates with quality service to match ... couldn't have asked for more! Mary V.

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