Sabmax LLC w Carlstadt

Stany ZjednoczoneSabmax LLC



🕗 godziny otwarcia

111, Commerce Road, 07020, Carlstadt, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 888-288-6214
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8310843, Longitude: -74.0589741

komentarze 2

  • Gilio Cervantes

    Gilio Cervantes


    Take them to court them the Bergen county Sherriff department also you can contact Carlstadt Police department or NJ state police for fraud.

  • en

    Margaret Tch


    I attempted to purchase furniture from Sabmax on two occasions. The first time I purchased a bedroom set and was told that the delivery would be in 5 weeks because it was being imported. The day that it was supposed to be delivered, I received a phone call from the store that my order had to be canceled because they were unable to import the furniture. Thinking that this couldn't happen again, I gave Sabmax another chance and ordered a leather sofa from them. When the delivery men arrived at my house, I realized that the sofa they brought was not the right one. I was contacted by the manager, who apologized, offered to give me a discount and assured me that my sofa would be arriving shortly. During this time I had also broken my leg and not having a sofa at home to be able to relax on made my recovery much more difficult. Weeks passed and it became more and more difficult to reach anyone at Sabmax. My phone calls went unreturned, I was hung up on and my sofa never arrived. After weeks of frustration, I was finally able to get through to a salesman who told me he "knew about me." He told me that the leather sofa I ordered did not exist because it only came in bonded leather, not full leather like I had ordered. He went on to say that the store owners knew that this sofa would never arrive and decided it would be easier to ignore me, than to deal with the consequences. Long story short - Highly unreliable and unprofessional. The furniture may look nice, but what good is that if it never arrives.

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