Rye Pediatric Dentistry w Rye

Stany ZjednoczoneRye Pediatric Dentistry



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130, Theodore Fremd Avenue, 10580, Rye, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 914-967-0000
strona internetowej: www.ryekids.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.9813936, Longitude: -73.689056

komentarze 5

  • en

    Connor Chan


    My son hates doctors and they made him have the best experience ever! Dr. Sinnarajah was amazing. She was calm and patient; she never made the patient feel like they were doing something wrong or even the parents. Her goal was just to educate and let me be aware of everything. I never knew how important baby teeth were until she educated me. She gave me options on how to approach things with my son’s teeth and let me be the one to decide. I never felt like I was a bad parent doing something wrong or that there was only one way of doing things. Their patience and care for their patients is unreal—unless you experience it yourself you wouldn’t understand how amazing the doctors and their staff are. They have a million different toothbrushes and fluoride flavors and more to try to meet every kids needs and wants. They try their best to make the experience for the little ones as positive as possible while educating parents and examining the kids. Man! I wish I had a dentist like this when I was younger!!

  • en

    Meredith Belle


    Dr. Sinnarajah is my daughters dentist and we could not be happier with the care and attention to detail she provides in treating her. She is gentle, kind, and so good with kids! She makes her patients so comfortable in the dentist chair so they think they are having fun and not being examined! My daughter loves her and frequently asks whenwe are going to see dr. Sinnarajah next :) highly recommend this practice!

  • Danielle Durand

    Danielle Durand


    This dentistry was recommended to me by a friend and at first I really liked the ease of getting an appointment, Dr. Sinnarajah was really wonderful BUT she told me that my 5 year old son was going to need a root canal and crown. I wrestled with this and called her on many occasions to find an alternate solution as it was only a baby tooth. I did get another opinion after this, and he did not end up needing a root canal or crown. She said their policy was to save a tooth if it was savable, instead of pulling it. What was going to cost me upwards of $4,000.00 only ended up costing me $1,400.00. I would recommend the practice, but not if you're more conservative and don't mind your children getting crowns on baby teeth.

  • en

    R Martz


    Before I brought my son here going to the dentist was worse than the peditrician. He would cry the entire time and needed to restrained to get through the dental appmt. Dr. Sinnarajah was patient and took her time. She set him at ease and he did not shed ONE tear...I was in total shock. Thank goodness I found her!

  • en

    Rachel King


    I had to take a minute to thank Dr. Chu and the Rye Pediatric Dentistry staff for their amazing facility, patient care & expertise and comfort that they gave to my son Benny today. Benny had to have his tooth extracted today and due to Dr. Chu's amazing bedside manor it was a painless experience for us all. Dr. Chu takes the time to explain things to the parents and patients, you never feel rushed. The office staff and nurses also exude a friendly and happy attitude that transfers to the parents and patients alike. My son was actually excited to go to the dentist and did not shed a tear while we were there or after. I cannot recommend Rye Pediatric Dentistry enough.

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