Rutherford Board of Health w Rutherford

Stany ZjednoczoneRutherford Board of Health


brak informacji

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184, Park Avenue, 07070, Rutherford, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-460-3020
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.825775, Longitude: -74.1090613

komentarze 1

  • J. Jasmine Lee

    J. Jasmine Lee


    Nurses are informative, but can sometimes be difficult to locate. The people at the desk during general hours are NOT friendly, somewhat rude, and not very helpful--the type of people that may give you a hard time hoping you won't ask about something they don't know. I'm sure they're good people though, just a bit uninformed. The lady that handles marriage licenses. I do not use this term lightly in public, but she is RACIST. My cultural background is Korean and my husband was born and raised in Korea. Thus, we both have Korean names along with my father who came as our witness. Just to give ONE example of why I would go so far as to call a very friendly-looking public employee lady a racist, she just could not understand that our names on our Korean birth certificates are not written in English. They are written in Korean, and thus there is no "real" English spelling. I understand that she was frustrated, but she continued to yell at us for "not even knowing your own name from your birth certificate." We have to deal with the troubles that come from uninformed and ignorant Americans that do not understand our names all the time. If you do not understand, either try to understand respectfully or let us do what we know is right for us legally. Please do not think that you have the right to yell at us because you are uninformed and ignorant to any non-Rutherford-Caucasian culture. We are rightful and legal citizens that contribute as much or more taxes than you, and support the American culture and economy as much or more than you do. Despite what some other people may do, we spend all our American-earned dollars in our local communities, support local businesses, donate to and volunteer for local charities, and work hard to earn the degrees and jobs that we obtain. Do not think that you have the right to degrade us for our cultural background or our skin color or language because you do not understand. It should not have been so difficult to get our marriage license, and it would have been nice if we could have obtained it via a peaceful, happy transaction. It was, afterall, meant to be an official way to start our lives together. Although, I guess I cannot expect too much in a town in which I cannot regularly go for a walk in town without [Caucasian] Rutherford middle school boys yelling, "ching chong" at me. I know they are middle school students because I had a conversation with them--as a NJ certified Chemistry teacher, I could not just let that one go. We need to be raising informed global citizens. Hopefully by making a statement, I have done a small part.

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