R+R Dental en Hicksville

Estados UnidosR+R Dental



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754, South Broadway, 11801, Hicksville, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 516-874-7834
sitio web: www.randrdental.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.7503575, Longitude: -73.5047833

comentarios 5

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    Amanda Kreisberg


    I’ve been seeing Dr Rivera since 2011 after not seeing and being afraid of dentists for 8-10 years. Immediately, Dr Rivera put my anxiety at ease and helped me through some extensive treatment plans. I recommend everyone I know to R&R Dental because it is not only a dental practice, they are family. I’ve never thought I’d see the day where I enjoy going to the dentist but I can ALWAYS count on the assistants and the doctors to make me feel 100% comfortable. I’ve never had one bad experience and i will forever be thankful to Dr Rivera and her assistants for making me feel comfortable at my most anxious times. Their state of the art facility, tv, and comfortable chairs also help make the experience as comfortable as it possibly can be

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    Stephan G


    By far the best dental care on Long Island. They have the cleanest office I have seen. The tools and machines they use look all brand new and state of the art, but the best part is the staff is hands down the nicest group of people I have ever met. No body like going to the denisit ,but I love seeing these guys

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    Maria Lopez


    LOVED this office!!! Super clean and the entire staff was so nice, they really treated me like family here. Michelle the hygienist took care of me and she was so gentle while explaining the whole process & then I also saw Dr. Rivera for my work and she was absolutely amazing. Highly recommend this office to everyone!

  • Pedro Gelabert

    Pedro Gelabert


    They are awesome dentists! Caring and very personable. We trust our entire family to their care. Their staff is excellent, researching the best payment you can make with your insurance. I have recommended them to my friends and one of them has become a patient already.

  • Larry Amoroso

    Larry Amoroso


    I’ve been a patient for about 7 years, and I love this office. Friends and family have gone on my recommendation, and they've all been happy with their experience. Most importantly, the dental work is top-notch. I’ve had a variety of work done, and it’s all been great. The bonuses are the people and the atmosphere. Dr. Rivera, Dr. Richer and the entire staff are completely patient centric. Genuinely kind people that take the time to get to know you; and the office is well designed, immaculate and welcoming. Nikki is the best! Amazing at cleaning my choppers, and super generous with letting me take a break if I need it. Thanks for everything!

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