Round Table Pizza w Carmichael

Stany ZjednoczoneRound Table Pizza



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4005, Manzanita Avenue, 95608, Carmichael, Sacramento County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 916-485-4209
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 38.638541, Longitude: -121.3300168

komentarze 5

  • Pearl Thompson

    Pearl Thompson


    Salad bar was not good at all. Lacking in ingredients that other round tables have. No egg, peaches, potato salad, macaroni salad, cottage cheese, etc. Several of the veggies were old and sticking together and the lettuce was browning. Sad day. I used to love round tables salad bar. The all you can eat is only worth it with the sides included. Weird things that were included: canned pineapple chunks (the tiny chunks), long pickles. The workers had obnoxious friends in the lobby that were demanding free salads. May as well give it away with how bad it was. Several smoke breaks and casual hanging out during my short stay. This location is very poorly run. I wouldn’t go back.

  • The Rabbit News

    The Rabbit News


    This is my first time at this pizza place. I don't live here but drive by many times. It looks pretty appealing from the outside. I ordered a combination pizza with extra. It was delicious. I don't see things that employees do like the one in Rancho Cordova. This is my next place to get pizza. I do like Round Table pizza. The way they do things normally turn me off.

  • burnvictim X

    burnvictim X


    Their CC machine is set to tip automatically, even if you are picking up your own order. If you don't want to tip you have to wait until they give you instructions on how remove the tip option since there was no actual delivery. Then, when you don't tip them for picking up your own food, they will let it sit for a few minutes so your food is cold by the time you get home.

  • Linda hargreaves

    Linda hargreaves


    Pizza was good. We don't care for the gluten-free crust. It is too thick which makes it taste very dry. It'd be great if they were a crispy crust option for gluten-free.

  • TallieCat Wood-Miller

    TallieCat Wood-Miller


    Wish I had the name of the guy who took my order and was there when I picked up. He was absolutely excellent!! ROUND TABLE IS LUCKY TO HAVE HIM!! He does deserve a raise!! My visit was around noonish-1 on Monday 1/9. Hope that helps Round Table know who my server was! He really was excellent!!

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