Round 2 Cafe w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneRound 2 Cafe



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1165, Utica Avenue, 11203, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 347-442-0825
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.6440659, Longitude: -73.9292825

komentarze 5

  • Amor Renee

    Amor Renee


    The food here is so damn good! Great place if you want to eat drink and listen to nice reggae tunes. Mature crowd, the D.J. is dope. Round 2 is a 10 in my book

  • en

    Nicola Nichols


    Nice crowd the bartenders was very pleasant drinks is good had a good time with my friends and the DJ is always Turnt Up




    Tony did a good job. Had fun. Will be back

  • en

    Quasheema Cook


    This bar is just terrible. I work down the street and me & my co worker were looking for a place to get some happy hour drinks. First off the waitress/bartender was very unprofessional! She literally sat there on her phone being loud and carrying on a whole conversation while neglecting the bar. The group of guys sitting next to us were upset cause she took 15 minutes to ask them what they needed. There were only 9 people in the whole lounge. Its was 6:50 pm on Friday 3/2/18. Then we asked for hookah. The hookah is advertised online for this spot. The waitress/bartender did not want to make the hookah. After 30 minutes she FINALLY made it. $40 hookah that taste like pure charcoal. We complained numerous times and asked her to switch it. Nothing was done. So after 2 orders of wings, ($6 each) 4 margaritas ($6 each) 2 house shots ($6 each) we racked up a $98 bill on foolishness. I never spent that much on a terrible happy hour with such horrible service & hookah that made my chest hurt. The manager saw us complaining and never once stepped in and offered his help. This place is in desperate need of new management. Save yourself the time and go elsewhere. YOU WERE warned.

  • Daneisha Annasingh

    Daneisha Annasingh


    Server was horrible. After she took our order she sat down in the corner on her phone. She didn't come to check on us until our food was out. After that, we ordered more drinks and she went back down in the corner to sit on her phone. We ate and the food was okay but when it was time to pay we couldn't find her anywhere. We asked everyone from the other servers to bartenders and she was nowhere to be found. When she finally gave us our check she had automatically added 15 % gratuity. Mind you, it was only 3 of us. I would never go back to this place because of our horrible experience with her.

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