Ross Dress for Less w Silver Spring

Stany ZjednoczoneRoss Dress for Less



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8661, Colesville Road, 20910, Silver Spring, Montgomery County, US Estados Unidos
kontakt telefon: +1 301-562-0930
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.9970677, Longitude: -77.0269637

komentarze 5

  • Gus Eaton

    Gus Eaton


    My wife always find tons of clothes, I however have inly found 3 - 4 items over dozens of visits. They do have men's shoes, unlike their competitors, but it's a 50/50 chance of find something that you like and fits. Don't go between 11 am - 7 pm, the entire population of Maryland goes their to shop and the checkout lines are incredibly long.

  • en

    Artem Alkemu


    The store is a mess. Men's section is filled with women's clothes that are hanging there for days in a row which indicates that no one is every organizing the section. Huge line because only one cashier is working, the other is always busy arranging empty hangers. The cashier Nick charged me for a bag that I did not ask for and once I mentioned it to him, he had nerve to call me cheap. When I told him that it was not the way to talk to a customer, he did not want to give me my receipt. The employees are very busy talking to their friends visiting them in the sore all the time. No one seems to care about the conditions of the store. Most days it looks like a dumpster and the staffers seem to be trained go show bad attitude.

  • en

    Nancy Smith


    This store seems to be in total control of merchandise. Everything is very nice and neat & the staff is always friendly... every time I ask for help they know exactly where to go and find it

  • Sandrix



    Esta okay

  • Abiel Spencer

    Abiel Spencer


    It was well organised, but I'm a size two, looking for three dresses and it was really finding even one. However, most of the sizes above (like 8 and up) had a really nice selection and variety.

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