Ross & Company, CPA in Smithtown

Vereinigte StaatenRoss & Company, CPA



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5, Florence Avenue, 11787, Smithtown, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakte telefon: +1 631-979-3141
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 40.8449594, Longitude: -73.1688523

kommentare 5

  • Randy Solomon

    Randy Solomon


    Highly knowledgeable, very timely responses and just a pleasure to work with. Referred my son who lives in Philadelphia and he was also very pleased.

  • en

    Nora S


    I recently hired Glenn Ross after seeing all these great reviews.I had been using a tax preparer for 15 yrs .It was time for a change.I liked Glenn from the first minute I met him.although I was very scared ,change is hard and who to trust is even harder.He explained everything to me and told me he"s available all year if I needed to contact him of charge. I uploaded all of my information online .My tax preparer did everything for me the day I was there,.with Glenn you do everything online..., .I just wanted my return as fast as possible.Now i wouldnt do it any other way.He communicated with me every question I had.He took a few days doing my taxes which is what I preferred .He totally knows his field and I have to say Im so pleased I used him .His office staff is polite and accomedating. Thank you Glenn for everything. If I was a bit flustered in the beginning ,please know that change is hard but without change we cant accelerate in our lives.You are a great asset to your field.

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    tahasha impastato


    As a family we have been clients of Ross&Company,, CPA for more than 10years which has been a most professional and personalized experience. I can call on most any of the accountants with tax questions and they usually provide answers in a timely manner. Even now that we live in another state we still have them each year take care of our tax filings. It’s a pleasure!

  • Chris Yen

    Chris Yen


    Glen and his are amazing. Incredibly responsive and deeply knowledgable. They also go out of their way to be helpful even when it isn't tax season and you just have a question. All at a reasonable price. Couldn't ask for more!

  • en

    Tami Resch


    Glen and his crew of professionals have done my business taxes and my personal taxes for almost ten years. They now do both my kids taxes and have helped my daughter with complicated international issues with knowledge and experience. No matter what time of year we email him a question we usually get an almost instant response. They are thorough and always double check with me if I may have forgotten to include something. When my teen son left all his taxes for the last minute Glen laughed it off and they had them done within a couple of hours! Couldn’t be happier to work with them and I’m sure we will for years to come.

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