Ross Auto & Tire Shop w Dallas

Stany ZjednoczoneRoss Auto & Tire Shop



🕗 godziny otwarcia

5034, Ross Avenue, 75206, Dallas, Dallas County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 214-826-4158
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.807804, Longitude: -96.7740336

komentarze 5

  • Alexis Babie

    Alexis Babie


    I came to get a new tire and afterwards it caused my car to drive very hard. I have a new car I bought in Dec. And there was no issue until this tire. The man then says it's not the tire its the wheel but its from the tire, they didn't even want to do a balance and rotation on the car.

  • en

    Emily Barksdale


    Bjar was patient, helpful, professional, and honest. I’ve had a flat patched here (extremely affordable), and due to my satisfaction with that service, when I needed new tires, I opted to return here. They keep a good amount of inventory in stock but were easily able to custom-order tires for me that arrived later that day. The only reason they have 4 instead of 5 stars is that they have always been busy when I went (people must be reading good reviews!) - which means there’s always been a decent wait. Nothing out of hand, though, and they’re always honest about it up front!

  • Matt Whitaker

    Matt Whitaker


    Great honest shop. Pulled in with what I thought was a flat tire based on a dashboard light. They visually checked all the tires, and they thought I probably just needed air. They filled up the tires, light went off on the dashboard, and they sent me on the way. "No charge." Thanks guys.

  • en

    Bruce Levy


    Terrific local shop. Very old school. Great service and fair prices. I had a tire plugged this morning for $10. Friends who have brought their cars in for repairs have been very impressed at the work and pricing. Great local business!

  • Patrick Burns

    Patrick Burns


    Was a transplant from out of state and had been to a few other mechanics before this but after this shop; my search is over. I've had a few things done here. A simple brake change all the way to fixing exhaust issues. Friendly owner with reasonable prices. Transparent and professional.

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