Rose Tuxedo w Mesa

Stany ZjednoczoneRose Tuxedo



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1245, West Baseline Road, 85202, Mesa, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 480-831-5255
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.3782001, Longitude: -111.8612264

komentarze 5

  • en

    Ryan Love


    Excellent experience! I took my groomsmen there for our tuxes and service was top notch. Even better, the owner and staff had a good sense of humor while being absolute professionals which made it even more fun. The pricing was very reasonable given the quality and attention to detail. When I returned my son and I's tuxes I had to confess that he had broken one of his cuff links, fully expecting some sort of charge to replace it. Instead, the owner told me not to worry about it. Class act all the way around. Highly recommend!

  • Bruce Strom

    Bruce Strom


    This store wrote the definition of customer service. Helps customers above and beyond expectations. Thank you for your kindness, attention to detail and Superior service.

  • en

    Tammy Vidana


    Great experience, great tuexdo and great cost. We will gladly use Rose Tuxedo again in the future.

  • en

    Jon Garcia


    Got a suit for a wedding here. The guys were really helpful and flexible. We called and said we were gonna be running a few minutes late and they satyed open for us to make sure we could make it. Suits fit great and looked awesome. Recommended for sure!

  • Atromnis



    Super friendly staff, they were able to help me out with my suit rental, offering several options and suggestions. They were able to get me out the door with suit in hand in the same visit, and it was a very fast process. They were professional, courteous, and accommodating. Made the whole process easy for me, and I couldn't have asked for better service.

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