Rose Nail Beauty Salon in Perth Amboy

Vereinigte StaatenRose Nail Beauty Salon



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234, Smith Street, 08861, Perth Amboy, Middlesex County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakte telefon: +1 732-324-6338
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 40.510149, Longitude: -74.272704

kommentare 5

  • en

    Amin Turner


    Not professional

  • Amna Khan

    Amna Khan


    I really love it here , everybody is so nice, and they do such a great job. They really make me feel at home. I always feel welcome here, I recommend it 100%!!!!

  • es

    Janina L


    Necesitan abrir más temprano si quieren hacer dinero.

  • en

    Rena Brown


    Nail salon

  • Nelia Rodriguez

    Nelia Rodriguez


    I will never come here again. There is a sign that say $20 full set. I walk in I asked to get the full set done. She ask if I wanted regular or gel. I said REGULAR but what is price for regular is? She said $23 and gel $30. I said no regular is find. When at the end I give her the card for my payment and she charged $30. I said wait what kind of nails I have, she said gel. I said regular. She said I am sorry. Didn't return my money back and acted like she didn't care. It's not about the money is the principal. You don't go lying to people. I will NEVER walking there again.

nächste Schönheitssalon

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