Rosa Mexicano w Miami Beach

Stany ZjednoczoneRosa Mexicano



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1111, Lincoln Road, 33139, Miami Beach, Miami-Dade County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 305-695-1005
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Latitude: 25.790803, Longitude: -80.140987

komentarze 5

  • en

    Dan Daniel


    I am not a big fan of authentic Mexican food but this place was okay. The decor is great. Staff was a little slow to serve and not overly friendly either. Overall I found it to have a high price point for the experience. The price is somewhat expected though because it is on Lincoln Drive in the beach. If you live in Miami I would tell you this place is mostly designed to attract tourists and there are better options in Miami for authentic Mexican. My biggest complaint is the table side guacamole. It s incredibly bland. I have had amazing guacamole in Boise Idaho so it's just not forgivable.

  • Dirk van Wijk

    Dirk van Wijk


    We had the beef taco’s, and they were absolutely delicious. Furthermore, the wait staff was very friendly and attentive, and the interior design of the restaurant gives it a great overall feeling. I would surely recommend this restaurant to anyone looking for a great Mexican meal.

  • Steve Pierre

    Steve Pierre


    Delicious experience! Not the absolute most authentic Mexican that I've had but hard to argue that the dishes here are delicious - full flavor and full portions as well. The sangria was also great and would highly recommend getting a pitcher of it. Before you even get to those, you're seated with delicious tortilla chips and salsa. Service was great and food came out relatively quickly.

  • Amanda Rayne

    Amanda Rayne


    Long overdue review... My friends and I were visiting Miami sometime in September 2017. We had a great time. One of the nights we decided to go to Rosa Mexicano for dinner. My friend and I both work at a restaurant as hostess and my sister is a server, so we understand how this business works. Once we entered the establishment, we were not greeted by the host and had to wait a bit before she returned to the host stand. I ended up approaching her and asking for a table for five. The point of the host is to welcome you to the restaurant and to seat you. She then showed up our table and we sat down looking over the menu. At any restaurant the proper etiquette is for the waiter/waitress to give you a minute or two before they stop by your table and offer you water or drinks (sometimes they are faster at approaching your table.) We waited like 4 minutes before I could my throat drying up and had asked someone passing by for our waiter. He gave us a puzzling look because we weren't served water or greeted by the waitress. Whoever she was, eventually showed up poured us water. A few guest in our party was not feeling the menu, so we asked our waitress what would she suggest for something simple like rice and beans for those who never been to a Mexican inspired restaurant. She was of no help, and soon after left the table. So now we are ready to order drinks, and can't find our waitress... again. I am now annoyed, so I am watching my clock and giving her 5-7 minutes. Two of the people with us already walked out because they were simply over it. The rest of us were ready for some drinks (I had my eye on some sangria.) So we continued to wait, and eventually spotted our waitress, but it seemed as if she was avoiding up. We awkwardly made eye contact with her, and she looked away and soon disappeared again. All we could do was grab our bags and leave. But before I left, I went up to the host once again and told her that we were leaving as our waitress has not returned to the table. She asked if we would want someone else, and my response was, "No, we are over it," and walked out.

  • en

    Food Master


    This is easily the best restaurant on Lincoln Rd! Everything from the ambiance, to the service is incredible! They have happy hour for food and drinks at the bar (my favorite). I definitely recommend the guacamole, it’s the best in the city! I am officially a regular!

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