Ronald O. Perelman Center for Emergency Services w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneRonald O. Perelman Center for Emergency Services


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570, 1st Avenue, 10016, New York, New York County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 212-263-5550
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.742746, Longitude: -73.973734

komentarze 3

  • Michael Moses

    Michael Moses


    The nurses and doctors were all very kind to me, but this facility is simply overrun with patients, as indicated by people on gurneys in the hallways and staff overworked and frustrated. Place is likely modern, but you wouldn't know it based on the wear and tear. As typical with traditional ER departments, expect to be in and out in 4 hours or longer, especially if you require imaging. I trust the NYU health system, but would recommend other ERs in other hospital systems if you have a choice during an unfortunate need.

  • Allan Evans

    Allan Evans


    Struck by a bike and arrived at Emergency. Doctor merely touched the injured leg and said no x-ray was needed. Two weeks later a physical therapist checked and said an x-ray was urgent!. It turned up a fracture on the femur bone. Their flippant mis-diagnosis placed me in danger. While their physicians are good, the Emergency crew is sub-standard and should be totally avoided. If they couldn't get the idea that an immediate x-ray was crucial, then what else do they miss?

  • en

    Joy Calo


    I'm a doctor and I fell down the stairs at the subway in Grand Central. I was taken to NYU ER. I fell down at 9 pm, got to the ER at 10 pm, almost 11 pm and still no pain meds. I had a broken ankle. I had to take Advil from my own purse with my own water. Nurse tells me they couldn't figure out my dose and after I told her I already took Advil, she says 'oh, you can take up to 800 mg.' I thought they couldn't figure out my dose? Then she says her shift is over and leaves. I ask the nurse who took over for antibiotic ointment and bandages for my knee abrasions and she says they have to put the order in. A PA comes and touches my ankle and that's it. I don't get a thorough examination even though I have abrasions on both my knees and bruises over my hips. I don't see an MD from the ER. The only MD I see is the Orthopedic resident who looks at my X-rays and puts my leg in a cast. Finally the nurse comes and hands me antibiotic ointment and bandages. I apply it on my knees myself. I ask my boyfriend, "What is this, do it yourself ER?" They knew I'm a doctor but this is ridiculous. I was there 7 hours and was never offered any juice or crackers until I almost passed out as I was getting ready to leave. I was not willing to stay a moment longer in that godforsaken ER.

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