Ronald C. Haas DDS: Prosthodontic Dental Associates, P.C i Deer Park

Forenede StaterRonald C. Haas DDS: Prosthodontic Dental Associates, P.C



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1644, Deer Park Avenue, 11729, Deer Park, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 631-243-2929
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.751996, Longitude: -73.326223

kommentar 5

  • en

    Christine Pisani


    Looking for the best? This is the guy! Been to others and finally found perfection. This is the second go around and mom & I couldn’t be happier. Seriously, This Dr is a perfectionist & that’s what we all are looking for when it comes to our teeth and/or dentures The work here is exceptional, true perfection, & staff is fantastic. This is the guy! I’m so very happy with this place & I can guarantee any of you reading this will be just as happy with Dr's work too!

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    molly cohen


    Friendly people, very patient doctor, I enjoy coming here, they let me know if my appointment would be running behind when I called and it helped me a lot as I had arrived a few minutes late, very patient answering questions, never had a problem coming here. Your appointment may run behind but they will let you know if he is behind if you give a call. Fabulous all around, I recommend 100%

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    Dr. Haas staff made me feel comfortable right away.I find Dr. Haas to be very diligent and mythodical also very easy to talk to.I am not very happy that I needed dentures,so getting the perfect dentures was extremely important to me.He was recommended to me as a perfectionist,a real professional and that what I received.A beautiful set of Dentures.

  • en

    Michael Pello


    had two front teeth sheared off at the gumline, Dr Haas waited for me at his office, made me a tempoary mouthpiece at his office which allowed me to go work the next day without looking ridiculous...over the next several months made me a permanent denture...hes a saint...

  • Omobola Osoba

    Omobola Osoba



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