Ronald A. Phillips, P.C. w Orangeburg

Stany ZjednoczoneRonald A. Phillips, P.C.



🕗 godziny otwarcia

60, Dutch Hill Road, 10962, Orangeburg, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-353-0100
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.0452696, Longitude: -73.9555565

komentarze 3

  • en

    Tim Boyatsis


    Lets face it, divorce can be stressful, painful, and sometimes just sad. Divorce is not an easy event to go through in life, especially if you have been married for many years. You hear other people talking about their experiences, but until you go through it yourself you have no idea of the impact, especially when your emotions are running high and your children and assets are involved. Ron Phillips, was on my side from the very beginning. I had interviewed several other attorneys, however when I started speaking to Ron I knew I was speaking to the "right" attorney. Ron explains every step of the divorce process and makes sure you are "protected" during what may be a very difficult journey. Ron understands the necessity to do what is right for your children. Ron works hard to allow you to keep the assets you are entitled to. I would highly recommend Ron if you are ever faced with a divorce. You need someone on your side who will work in your best interest, provide you with professional guidance and keep you "in the loop" during this challenging process. Ron Phillips is the attorney you need to call… Tim B

  • en

    Matt Musikar


    Mr. Phillips is very aggressive yet fair lawyer. He is a great trial lawyer and very old school. He specializes and is an ace in marital and family law with over 40 of experience. Mr. Phillips is worth every penny. He tells you how it is and will tell you if he thinks you are making wrong decisions. He has a dont give in personality, yet is an experienced negociator and very professional.

  • en

    Richard (phone) Luna


    Ron is clear, experienced and a bull dog when needed. He got me the best agreement possible, anyone else would have made a mess of the situation.

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