Romano's Macaroni Grill w Arlington

Stany ZjednoczoneRomano's Macaroni Grill



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1670, West Interstate 20, 76017, Arlington, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-784-1197
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 32.673512, Longitude: -97.133543

komentarze 5

  • Jason Walker

    Jason Walker


    Great food and service here, as usual. I sat at the bar this time, where Craig & Brandon took care of me. Fun place to sit, chat and have a beer with some good appetizers.

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    Rachael Adams


    UPDATE... As of May 1st 2018. They changed the menu no more folded ravioli on the menu. They replaced it with Pomodoro pansotti which is priced much higher and doesn't compare to the folded ravioli(altogether different and definitely lacks). Its flavorless🙁 hope they bring the folded ravioli back because this new one doesn't compare Food is Delicious. I always order take out and I never had any issues & the service is outstanding.

  • Heather Hoskinson

    Heather Hoskinson


    We had the back room reserved for a meeting and there is NO cost to use this room, which is so great! They do ask to have a minimum of 20 people and that at least some of them order food. We were there on a Saturday afternoon, so not during peak hours so they didn't seem to mind that we had less than 20. The FDA is currently asking people to not purchase romaine lettuce so some from our group inquired about it. Next thing I know the chef comes out and talks to us all about the current situation around romaine lettuce. How cool is that? It's obvious he is very passionate about the food he puts on the table. The Chicken Florentine salad was ridiculously good! I mean...ridiculous! Bursting with flavor. Super fresh. Ample portion. I gobbled it up. And I can't get enough of the bread that they serve warm right when you sit down. I forgot how much I really enjoy Macaroni Grill. Their prices are a little high. My only complaint. But at least they meet the price with quality.

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    Craig Price


    Excellent bartenders and a great happy hour. Friendly and accommodating staff and the food is delicious. Good place for a date night or a casual dinner

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    Most people would not associate an Italian restaurant with Thanksgiving. However, Romano's Macaroni Grill has a Thanksgiving dinner plate for those that don't want the hassle of cooking and the dirty dishes that come along with it. They offer reservations, and walk ins are also welcome. This is a more quiet and nice atmosphere than most other chains that you will visit. I would even consider it a romantic restaurant for a date night. We took advantage of the Thanksgiving dinner offer. When we arrived we were properly greeted and seated immediately. The service has always been great here. The Thanksgiving plate is a little different than what I was used to, but it was good. The gravy was something like you would find on a roast, and the turkey was amazingly tender and not dry. I think that the dressing will be an acquired taste. It was a sausage based dressing, which makes sense for an Italian restaurant and it was not bad. Of course they still offered the full menu on Thanksgiving day as well.

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