Rolling Hills Pet Clinic w Tucson

Stany ZjednoczoneRolling Hills Pet Clinic



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7010, East Golf Links Road, 85730, Tucson, Pima County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 520-790-4871
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Latitude: 32.1910417, Longitude: -110.8436708

komentarze 5

  • Rebecca Kruchten

    Rebecca Kruchten


    Great experience taking our dog here. They really took their time to make sure she felt comfortable in the room and with them before doing any procedures. They took care of me as well, offering me a drink. The rooms are clean and well kept, and the staff really does love animals. We are happy we transferred here.

  • en

    Ann Winter


    Very friendly and helpful staff. They even use pheromones in the rooms to help keep our pets calm. I will definitely bring my standard poodle back for all her winter-time veterinary needs.

  • en

    Keith Bechtold


    Not sure where all the great ratings are coming from but must say terribly dissatisfied with our experience. In the office for over two hours and we were rushed out the door after our dog was treated. Within less than a half hour had to change dressing four times as our dog profusely bled everywhere. Blood in the car, blood all over our house. You would think they would get the bleeding under control before you were rushed out the door. The only reason I don't give a one star rating is to give them a chance to make things right. My prediction is they got me for almost $300 and we are on our own. Is this world null and devoid of any one who cares about doing things right? A terrible experience. Did get a couple calls after posting review, the last one offering to have us come back and run about $500 in tests. Stopped all medications after the first dose due to warnings on the label of one in particular. My dog is doing better with the care we provide as dog owners. I do have about $100 in unused meds that I will dispose of properly.

  • Barb Albertsen

    Barb Albertsen


    Rolling Hills Pet Clinic is one of the best, if not the best, places to take your animal. Staff and Doctors are always very friendly & helpful. They aren't the most inexpensive in town, but you get what you pay for. HIGHLY RECOMMEND

  • Whitney Weldon

    Whitney Weldon


    We've been bringing our dogs here for several years now, and we wouldn't want to go anywhere else. Our dog absolutely adores everyone there, and they are always so loving and sweet with her. We always feel like we're in good hands and like they really, genuinely care. They're also fantastic about following up, which is greatly appreciated. Wonderful people!

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