Rodgers Ornamental Iron Co w Fort Worth

Stany ZjednoczoneRodgers Ornamental Iron Co



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2248, East Lancaster Avenue, 76103, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 817-535-2127
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.74481, Longitude: -97.294135

komentarze 3

  • en

    Graham Brizendine


    These guys are fantastic. I knew they were real metal workers when I went in their shop; actually what I saw was what I hoped to see. A well used shop with tons of current projects under way. They don't spend $ on marketing and I like that. I'm not their to be impressed by a pretty building, I want quality metalwork for a fair price and on time. They delivered. If you want to be wowed by a storefront, go to Dallas. I'm very picky and was 100% satisfied with their inside and outside work. Their ability to do the curved rail speaks for itself...every other project is cake compared to that kind of work. I'd use them again in a heartbeat.

  • Taryn Doherty

    Taryn Doherty


    Women answering the phone is SUPER rude! I wouldn't do business here just because of that!

  • Matt King

    Matt King


    My wife contracted this company to do our spiral staircase in our new home. They. Were. AMAZING! The communication was great the entire way through. The rep came out and measured, and before the fabricating started he came out again to confirm measurements. The quality of the welding is beautiful. When the day came to install everything (in the rain) these guys showed up early, were prepared for everything and handled it like true pro's. They had to make a small modification onsite and did so without any problems. This experience was perfect from start to finish. We WILL be contracting them to do our entry gates in the future. I highly recommend to use this company if you want the job done correctly.

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