Rodeway Inn w Indianapolis

Stany ZjednoczoneRodeway Inn



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6990, East 21st Street, 46219, Indianapolis, Marion County, US Stany Zjednoczone
kontakt telefon: +1 317-359-5341
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 39.7971821, Longitude: -86.0469228

komentarze 5

  • en

    Richard Bewley


    Staff is very friendly!! The room is very clean even the towels were decoratively folded. Not really up to the standard that it used to be but they still do a very good job. Breakfast wasn't all that. It was refreshing that they had on site security. Oh and I was excited to Windows opened just can't find that anymore. Not the greatest area to drive around in but it's right off the highway easy access to downtown Indianapolis

  • Sir Sprout

    Sir Sprout


    Overview: A decent place, hotel quality at motel pricing, especially if caught on sale (well worth the $45 a night I paid) and staff was willing to make changes for us to have a pleasant. During the time I stayed here I gathered that Rodeway Inn had replaced the previous owner of the hotel, and that getting established was a work in progress. This being said there is a ways to go here. It's a fairly nice building that is kept clean but not spotless. The rooms are kept up well, with a TV, microwave, mini fridge (and freezer, sort of... At highest refrigeration setting, ice cream still melted), an in room coffee maker, and adjustable thermostat. Plenty of outlets, however the WiFi is not conducive for much online work. The worst of our stay was the brown sputtering that came out of the faucet at random when the hot water was running, and despite the hotel being non-smoking, the first room we were given was ash tray scented. However, Kayla with guest service was extraordinarily helpful, giving us a new room, and continuing to make changes for us during our stay. We asked how to change the input on the TV, she gave us a fancier remote. We asked if there was a shuttle service, she gave us local bus routes, and a transit app to help find them. Overall, in spite of the downsides, the staff and the price made our stay well worth it, and I would take my family here again.

  • Aisha Khan

    Aisha Khan


    Good location around all good restaurants. Right off the expressway. friendly and courteous staff. I stayed in room 318. Room was clean bed was cozy with round pillows. good channels on tv. clean bathroom. Jacuzzi wasn't working so i brought it up with the front desk and they said they're remodeling the entire location and it will soon be fixed. Not the newest hotel in the area, but worth your money. I'll definitely stay there next time i stay in Indy!

  • Ravyn M

    Ravyn M


    Lovely, affordable hotel. I don't stay here expecting the Ritz-Carlton or anything like that. The rooms have apparently been recently renovated and they make for a lovely home away from home. It's an older hotel, so it's not perfect, but it certainly has it's charm. The staff is always friendly and helpful. They've told me they're undergoing more changes to return to Clarion status and I cannot wait to see what that will be like! The pool is large and always warm. Unfortunately, the hot tub is out of commission until they can make repairs, but I'm sure it will be lovely as soon as it's fixed. I'm always treated like a friend when I stay here and I would recommend it to anyone. My problems have been few and far between and minor and no fault of the staff. 4/5 stars! Thank you, Rodeway Inn staff!

  • Matt Barker

    Matt Barker


    With just three days before the Big Ten Conference championship football game, there were still several tickets remaining on sale (to my surprise) and decided on an impulse to buy. But now I needed a hotel. Of course, most of the hotels in Indy were booked by then, but this Rodeway Inn still had a few rooms left and took a chance after reading several reviews. Turns out, I enjoyed my stay and would consider this hotel the next time I travel to Indianapolis. First of all, it's right off of 465/70, making it very easy to navigate to the hotel, yet close enough to downtown. We arrived in Indy around 4:30 and check-in took just a few minutes before we were up in our room. We were in room 302 which was right near the elevator and very convenient. And we found our room to be very clean and comfortable. Yes, it should be noted that this property was likely built in the late 70s or early 80s and it does show it's age to an extent. It's not perfect, but these are minor cosmetic issues. The bottom line: the staff was friendly, the room was clean, the beds were comfy, the refrigerator was cold, the microwave worked, the TV had a very good picture with lots of channels, and there was plenty of hot water/towels etc. As for the rest of the hotel, I did check out the pool which was open. No one was swimming at the time and I didn't bring my suit but maybe next time. But it did look nice. Also, since it was such a late night, we didn't wake-up in time for it so I can't comment on that, but everything else was perfectly fine.

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