Rockland Riverside Dental: Jacob Wallach DDS, P.C. w Nyack

Stany ZjednoczoneRockland Riverside Dental: Jacob Wallach DDS, P.C.



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99, North Broadway, 10960, Nyack, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-358-1728
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.093558, Longitude: -73.917619

komentarze 5

  • en

    adelma gillespie


    I drive from Westchester to Nyack to see Dr. Wallach. So many things he's done for me that other dentists didn't suggest. And he fixed my teeth so that I love my smile. The entire office makes going to the dentist a pleasure.

  • en

    Beryl Meyer


    Dr. Wallach has gone above and beyond for my husband and me, from coming into the office while on his vacation for a dental emergency to providing acute dental care throughout a period of critical illness. The staff is like family to us: Jill, Susan and Christine are as warm, caring and helpful as they are professional in their roles. I can't recommend Dr. Wallach and his team highly enough. Their excellent care, patience, and attentive chairside manner honestly makes time in their office a pleasure.

  • en

    Dan Gottfried


    Dr. Wallach manages to combine competency and sesnitivity in one outstanding doc. I always feel totally confident when I go to him for any procedure. I know I am in the hands of the top dentist. Even though I moved from Nyack to NYC 2 years ago I still come to Dr. Wallach for all my dental care.

  • en

    David Geber


    Dr. Wallach and his staff are both professional and personable. I value him as my family's dentist and particularly appreciate how current this office remains with advances in dental science. Highly recommended!

  • Amy Brown

    Amy Brown


    Would you travel from Westchester to Nyack just for a dental appointment? Yes you would if the dentist is Dr Wallach! Hands down, the most professional, careful, and skillful dentist I've ever had. Dr. Wallach takes the time to explain what he sees and lays out the options for care. His intervention approach is conservative and so I know that when I need dental work it's because we've explored all other options and it's time. Dr. Wallach and his staff are are warm and friendly and are as excellent with young children as they are with adults, making this a great family dentist. My 7 yo actually looks forward to her visits...if that doesn't say it all, nothing will.

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