Robert's Fence Co w Islandia

Stany ZjednoczoneRobert's Fence Co



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186, Blydenburg Road, 11749, Islandia, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-851-9730
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.802262, Longitude: -73.181537

komentarze 5

  • en

    erik russell


    Roberts Fence Co, provided best quote, arrived on day they said they would, professional & clean install for white vinyl fence. Would recommend them to anyone.

  • en

    Angelo Ferrieri


    They did a great job. My fence looks great. I have only positive things to say about the quality of work and professionalism of the crew.

  • en

    Elise Budd


    I do not recommend. Instead of showing up late to our appointment they decided to cancel us and went to next appointment. Tried calling office and went straight to voicemail during business hours. When we reached them they were beyond nasty on the phone. We will not be using them for any of our projects based on horrific customer service.

  • en

    Salvatore Motta


    Roberts fence is our go to fence company. Owning several commercial and residential properties in the past my family and I have used them for decades at this point, never once had a problem. Truthfully the jobs always come out better than anticipated and the price is the best around, no need to shop when you call Roberts fence. My take is that some of the people leaving the reviews below, are expecting the Mona Lisa of stockade fence. It’s fence people, if you want to pay thousands more be my guest, as for us; we will stick with Robert! Thanks guys!!!

  • Martin Gora

    Martin Gora


    I guess it used to be good company, but recently their office personnel sucks. They have no idea about customer service. Mr. Roberts was very quick with the quote and the contract, he gave it to me same day I called. It was big job, I have large property and I wanted to put fence all around. Workers came on Monday to take down existing fence and put post in the ground. Everything was done in one day, no complaints here. I was told that I'm supposed to be home on Thursday so they can come back and complete the job. Guess what - it did not happened. I took day off just to wait for the team that never showed up. So I called the office and was just told.... that they will come on Sunday, because there was weather delay. I totally understand that one can't control the weather, but if there is delay and you push back the date for 3 days, then you call the customer in advance. Or the same day at least. The office person was not helpful at all (she was not rude, but more like "I don't know and I don't care"). Basically she told me that she did not know why I was told someone will come on Thursday, and since she did not know what, it was not her job to cal me to reschedule. Great. I really hate when someone is wasting my time like that for no reason.

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