Robert A. Morea, PT in New York

Vereinigte StaatenRobert A. Morea, PT


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13-03, Bell Boulevard, 11360, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakte telefon: +1 718-747-2019
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 40.7887873, Longitude: -73.7819124

kommentare 1

  • Phil Konigsberg

    Phil Konigsberg


    I have been going to The Physical Therapy Doctor for treatment for over a period of 10 months due to a number of ailments originally stemming from a severely strained ankle, general weakness in my legs and a sore tennis elbow. Both Robert, the owner, and his team of physical therapists and staff members are very proficient in all aspects of their work and find the location next to the post office an inviting place to spend while receiving treatments. Although some patients appear to choose one physical therapist exclusively, I tend to make appointments interchangeably with Robert or the other physical therapists based on availability of appointment times since I feel confident and comfortable with everyone of his team. I have experienced a complete return of function to my ankle, notice improvement in the strength of my legs and after a very complex left arm issue, have a major reduction in the pain and discomfort I am feeling in my elbow. The interaction among patients, the front desk, staff and team of physical therapists is terrific. The perception is they all get along with each other and are very pleasant to the patients in their large facility (b/t/w, I started to receive my treatment after they moved to the Bay Terrace Shopping Center, upper level from Bell Blvd and 212th Street). The facility also has a great sound system and music that facilitates the exercises I do. I highly recommend The Physical Therapy Doctor if you are in need of physical therapy (or a more personal fitness center).

nächste Physiotherapeutin

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