Road Wrench en New York

Estados UnidosRoad Wrench



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719, Van Sinderen Avenue, 11207, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 917-810-6067
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.6587424, Longitude: -73.8989443

comentarios 5

  • en

    Falisha Davis


    Very Experienced and Unbeatable pricing... I've checked around... they're the BEST..

  • en

    Nancy Lamour


    I give this place a FIVE star!! I’m so happy I found this mechanic shop. Very friendly and helpful. They did a great job fixing my radiator in a timely matter. I highly recommend this place! Thank you again for saving my life!

  • en

    Asya Kirton


    Super SUPER helpful!! Serviced me by my house within an hour, Gave me a clear assessment, and pricing was affordable/fair. Donovan is definitely my new go-to repair man. Thank you sooo much!!

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    Kerece Crawford


    Definitely recommend this company for all your trucking issues. They did an awesome job in a very timely manner on my Hubby's truck

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    Alexis Nicholas


    Definitely recommend! I called around 6pm on a Saturday night for a problem i should have fixed a month ago. I was told to pick up the parts I needed (wheel barings) which I got nearby the shop. I spent about 1 hour and a half there while the barings and hub of one wheel was replaced. Drove half way down the block and knew I could feel safer driving my car. Jonathan was very helpful and I will definitely be returning for some further work. Best part about this was the time- no one else was willing to even look at my car when it decided to act up! (I was told by several different mechanics to bring my car Monday..2 days away) FIVE STARS!

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