Riverside Medical Group w Secaucus

Stany ZjednoczoneRiverside Medical Group



🕗 godziny otwarcia

714, 10th Street, 07094, Secaucus, Hudson County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-865-2050
strona internetowej: www.riversidemedgroup.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7936844, Longitude: -74.0687265

komentarze 5

  • Marisa Daly

    Marisa Daly


    Dr. Baker and his staff are awesome. They’re open until midnight everyday and it’s so practical. Never waited waited more than 15 mins. If your kid is super sick you tell the front desk and a nurse comes out to help you immediately. The staff is nice and caring. Couldn’t ask for a better place.

  • Ryan Petrillo

    Ryan Petrillo


    I took my son here because he was complaining he didn’t feel good and he had a fever. Not only did they take me right away but even the night time Manager Susie came in to check on us. The provider PA Berfet was great with my son. Usually my son hates doctors but she made him feel comfortable. Both Susie and the PA were great, they have great bedside manner. Great place to go, convienient hrs open until midnight and great service. Definitely recommend

  • en

    L T


    5-25 patience.... 2hr wait. Seems like they have a notebook with instructions..... Soar throat, give this....everytime, ear.. give this. My daughter was misdiagnosed twice. Long hrs open, but stuff, not too bright. Mr. Baker, you have built a medical pyramid

  • en



    Only if I could give it no ratings. I came to see Doctor Shah. I am a patient of Hyper tension. He consulted me for a MRI and changed my prescription for blood pressure. After waiting for 2 days I found out that my MRI got denied due to lack of documents provided by the doctor. Since, i have been trying to get in touch with them but they simply won't care and won't talk to me. Now i am going to change my primary doctor. this place deserve no rating and the NJ STATE should investigate them.

  • Christina C

    Christina C


    I love riverside pediatrics- Dr zeyad is kind to my kids and always answers any questions that I have. He cares a great deal about my children and is very knowledgeable. I would absolutely recommend him to any parent. I am able to see him before I go to work since he has very early hours in the morning. Very convenient!! I love how he welcomes my kids like family. The fact that there are so many parents wanting him to see their children speaks volumes to me ... clearly he is doing something right! I would def recommend riverside .

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