Rite Aid en Middle Island

Estados UnidosRite Aid



🕗 horarios

864, Middle Country Road, 11953, Middle Island, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 631-924-8500
sitio web: locations.riteaid.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.882403, Longitude: -72.939756

comentarios 5

  • Lisa S

    Lisa S


    The pharmacy staff are extremely friendly and quickly know your name. They fill your prescriptions as fast as possible. They go out of their way to help you. They have even called my doctor's office if they haven't sent my prescriptions in, as they should have. All the employees are friendly and quickly know your name.

  • sajedeh safari

    sajedeh safari


    If you need your pharmacy to be on top of your prescription, and make sure you get your medicine and informs you about what is going on with your insurance policy, instead of recommending that you pay out of pocket, DO NOT COME TO THIS STORE; Rude unprofessional pharmacy staff,Charles, tells you that he is snappy and you can change your pharmacy. I guess it is because Rite Aid doesn't care to properly train their staff. Apparently, they don't have any store manager at this time, or at least this is what I was told by Melinda one of the managers on site today. I have filed a formal complaint with the corporation and am waiting to hear back from the pharmacy district manager. We will see if this is limited to this store or this is common practice at Rite Aid.

  • John nocera

    John nocera


    The staff is very friendly. The pharmacists really are so friendly ! I got the impression that they really want to get to know you and they help you with whatever you need. I love when I need to pick up my prescriptions so I can just say hello to the pharmacist. Also, they do delivery for prescription if you need that.!!!

  • en

    Peter Caprariello


    This place is wonderful. The pharmacists know you personally, the store is never crowded, and the store is small enough for you to find what you need but big enough to have everything. I have never had a problem with the pharmacy in 5 years of going monthly.

  • Jeff Goodman

    Jeff Goodman


    They gave my daughter the wrong g dosage for her medicine. When I questioned the dosage they dismissed my concerns. 48 hours later we were taking her to the ER. They wouldn't even admit they made a mistake and apologize. Can I give less than one star?

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