Rite Aid w Nashville

Stany ZjednoczoneRite Aid



🕗 godziny otwarcia

700, Gallatin Road, 37206, Nashville, Davidson County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 615-228-5554
strona internetowej: locations.riteaid.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.183865, Longitude: -86.749023

komentarze 5

  • en

    Brandon Couillard


    Lovely, remodeled store. Not one of the old Rite Aids. Really nice staff too, in my experience.

  • Katie Bain

    Katie Bain


    Best of the BEST!!! I have been going to rite-aid for many of years now & they are appoving everyday. I absolutely love the pharmacy tech that work there always nice & doing there job. There prices a lil high. But they are doing great. BEST PHARMACY EVERRR!!!! :) 2017

  • en

    L Dwill


    They are very friendly and they are right on time of when they say 20 min's.

  • en

    chocolate chica


    I usually don't shop at Rite Aid unless they're running a sale. I stopped in today 6/14/17 for laundry detergent. It was on sale and I had a buck off digital coupon. You would think with modern day technology...all stores scanning system would be programmed to accept digital coupons. That was so not the case here. Although the cashier was physically rude with checking me out (scanning very rapidly)...I truly felt rushed... he honored the coupon and entered it manually. Prices are a bit high though.

  • Brett Michaels

    Brett Michaels


    This store has been updated and looks modern. The pharmacy is more helpful than other local pharmacies. I'd give it a 4 rating, but some of the new pharmacy assistants need to improve their customer skills and get more training. I've gotten into a few disagreements, that were easily solved by the pharmacist.

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