Rising Star Coffee Roasters w Cleveland

Stany ZjednoczoneRising Star Coffee Roasters



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1455, West 29th Street, 44113, Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 216-273-3573
strona internetowej: risingstarcoffee.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.4891984, Longitude: -81.710389

komentarze 5

  • Cory Eischen

    Cory Eischen


    Great coffee and wonderful service! Priced very well and a nice vibe in and out of the coffee house

  • Lily Ruan

    Lily Ruan


    It was my first time visiting this coffee shop, I’ve heard great things about their coffee and I was excited to try it. The staff recommended promised land latte, and he was not wrong! I really enjoy the flavor of the coffee and the barista did a great job with the latte art, it was simple but well received. The place is small and it’s not suitable for large group gathering, at least not during winter. They have some table outdoors for warmer times. They are usually pretty busy but the service run fast. There is not a garage parking, so for people who don’t like street parking, this might not be the location they want to try the coffee. The parking is not hard but is unpredictable if you can find a available spot depending on the time you are planning to visit.

  • Irene L

    Irene L


    Do yourself a favor and get their coffee beans to take home. Changed my life. Absolutely amazing. Nothing like what’d you’d get at the grocery store or Starbucks. Roasted to perfection. Also, if your dining in, the vanilla bean latte my perfect drink! Not too sweet. Always great service. Cute, clean environment.

  • Ed Frere

    Ed Frere


    Excellent lattes and location! I had the Promised Land Latte and my wife had the Lavender Latte. Both were clearly made with care and enjoyable. We were just visiting, but would come back if in the area.

  • Just a Local

    Just a Local


    A really nice setup that fulfills the criteria of what a coffee house should be . The coffee was very good but their other branch was prepared the latte better . The display and seating area was pleasant and clean. The place was airy and the lighting and decor made it warm and inviting. It has a sense of community and I am always impressed when I visit it.

najbliższy Kawiarnia

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