Rising Pharmaceuticals Inc w Saddle Brook

Stany ZjednoczoneRising Pharmaceuticals Inc


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

250, Pehle Avenue, 07663, Saddle Brook, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-961-9000
strona internetowej: www.risingpharma.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.90531, Longitude: -74.1031972

komentarze 4

  • en

    sadie sue


    I bought magnesium vitamins from them for a decificiency and for headaches. 400 mg twice a day and they dissolved well and were in my system fast. Took away my bad headaches immediately.

  • Malisa



    What happened to the good Diclofenac?? The ones that actually worked for more than half a day. I don’t remember the maker in 2014/15 but they used to be peach colored and kind of bubbled up in the middle...not flat, brown and crappy. I used to think all generics were the same. Boy,was I dumb! These work as well as ibuprofen....very poor quality.

  • en

    Roy Whitmore


    I had a prescription for metronidazole 500mg. It was awful, the tablet disintergrated the second you put it in your mouth and the pill coated the tongue and esophagus. It was very BITTER tasting. The company needs to do a QA on their manufacturing, IF they manufacturer it. Will never let my pharmacist fill my prescription with Rising Pharamaceuticals.

  • en

    Claudia Gurley


    I'm not very thrilled so far. I've gotten 3 tubes of Triamcinolone Acetonide Dental Paste (an oral topical for sore gums/cheeks) from this pharmaceutical company (via Walmart Pharmacy) and all 3 tubes have this same problem: no seal on them and they look full until you squeeze then you see they deflate as they are 1/2 air and not as much paste as you think you're getting. I feel cheated out of the medication because of this and because this is very expensive medication - $49 is my copay for a tube about the size of my little finger (and half that once the air is out)! I'm now looking for another pharmacy that does business with a different company.

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