Ridgewood Donuts i Kansas City

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterRidgewood Donuts



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4309, Blue Ridge Boulevard, 64133, Kansas City, Jackson County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 816-353-8333
internet side: ridgewoodkc.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 39.04324, Longitude: -94.437634

kommentar 5

  • Bill



    Office had some glazed ones brought in. Don't usually go for those kind but these were a clear exception, great texture and taste and not too sweet like those kind usually are.

  • john roberts

    john roberts


    I can honestly say that this donut shop is better than any shop in town. I will not mention any shop name but it is better than the place that rhymes with Damar's! Donuts are fresh and so is the service! I highly recommend this place to everyone!

  • Travis Perkins

    Travis Perkins


    I haven't tried the other flavors but I love me some glazed donuts and I love Krispy Kreme and I have to say, these are probably better than Krispy Kreme glazed donuts. I'll be back to try the other flavors with an update. Keep up the fresh, soft, amazing thoughtful work on your well made donuts!

  • Kasi Sedwick

    Kasi Sedwick


    I tried their donuts for the first time today & they are excellent! I recommend getting there early in the morning because they are popular & will run out of your favorites, worth getting up early!!

  • en

    Nancy Bolyard


    These are the best and hardest to get donuts in the city! They are out of donuts 🍩 usually before closing. To get the best selection you must arrive between 5:30 and 6am — but it is truly worth it!! If you check the back of some of the local grocery store receipts, there are coupons for buy 6 and get 6 free! This is the best deal going out there! I would recommend this shop to ANYONE who loves donuts!!

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