Ridgewood Coin & Stamp w Ridgewood

Stany ZjednoczoneRidgewood Coin & Stamp



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17, Chestnut Street, 07450, Ridgewood, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-445-6262
strona internetowej: www.ridgewoodcoin.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.9800559, Longitude: -74.1191672

komentarze 5

  • en

    Scott Martinsen


    I am very glad I chose to go to Ridgewood Coin & Stamp to get the band on my watch adjusted. They were extremely helpful and quick with the service. Great selection of vintage and new jewelry as well. Try this place first!

  • en

    Tom Wojo


    Place sucks. I had some gold to sell so I called him. He said he was paying about 90% of spot. Which is fair, however some dealers will pay 95-100%. Provident metals will 100%. So I went there and he offered 80%. I told him I just spoke with you a hour ago and you told me a higher price. He denied ever speaking and the offered 80% of spot. These were eagles, maple leafs and pandas. He lies to get you in, then low balls you. Stick with apmex, jmbullion, provident metals etc. Stay Away!

  • Joe Friday

    Joe Friday


    Dealing with RC for almost 20 years now. Good man with honest prices. No one pays higher prices in NJ No one.People that write negative reviews don't know what they are talking about. Craig pays 90% of spot and that is the best you will get anywhere. To the guy with the stamps from the 1950's they are a dime a dozen. Stamps are not a good investment. Stick with Silver,Gold and scrap gold for the best prices.

  • en

    Thomas Camlet


    I went there today with stamps,gold, and coins. I walked in the door, showed the guy an envelope of both new and used stamps (which also have value). The guy blew me off. He just gave a glancing look at my stamps (If he would have taken a better look, he would have found a bunch of unused 1950's stamps (including air mail stamps). Since he blew me off, I went to one of his competitors who took the time to look at my stuff, and gave me fair market value for my stuff. With his negative attitude, I didn't even bother to show him my gold (which I sold in Lodi one hour later). All I have to say is that this guy must have more money than he needs to blow off serious customers

  • en

    Paul Roe


    Highly recommended. Craig is a top notch guy who offers a very fair amount for what you are selling. I would not believe the negative reviews here as they were likely planted by rival coin dealers looking to poach business. There is just no way they are true. Good man, good place, good offers, good prices. Paul

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