Richard's Pharmacy w Palisades Park

Stany ZjednoczoneRichard's Pharmacy



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207, Broad Avenue, 07650, Palisades Park, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-944-0863
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8458709, Longitude: -73.9997378

komentarze 5

  • en

    Teresa Scarpati


    Family owned and operated pharmacy with dedicated and caring staff. Staff has always gone out of their way to help me and my family with our healthcare issues. When my baby was sick not only did they deliver my prescription but the pharmacist, frank called and made sure my baby was ok even after the delivery and for the following days ahead. This impeccable service is not something you can get at a chain pharmacy. Thank you Richards!

  • en

    Louise Fronjian


    Richard’s Pharmacy in Palisades Park is one of the few privately owned pharmacies in the area. Friends and relatives have been patrons of this pharmacy since I was a kid. Now my immediate and extended family uses it as well. There is never an issue with filling prescriptions. They are always done in a timely manner. Pricing is excellent and comparable to other pharmacies. The pleasant staff and caring pharmacist are always willing to help. I’ve recommended Richard’s to coworkers who struggle getting special medications with other pharmacies. They have always been pleased with the knowledge and service they have received. Richard’s is a wonderful pharmacy and I wouldn’t go anywhere else.

  • Alexia Zygiel

    Alexia Zygiel


    This place is top notch! I have considerable medical issues. Upon entering Richards Pharmacy, I was greeted with a smiling staff who was ready to help. My fears were quickly abated when speaking to the pharmacist. He described what I needed to do to take a complicated regimine of medications, took the time to explain each step on the process and reassured my anxieties. The staff went as far as helping me write down the steps in my medication process. I couldn't be happier with the customer service. The staff went above and beyond to make a complicated experience, easy. Thank you Richards! You have a customer in me for life!!!

  • en

    Chris Fronjian


    Best Pharmacy in town. It's been around for decades. It's definitely a rare, family owned pharmacy. They cater to your needs and will do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING possible to make sure you get what you need. The customer service is the BEST around. This pharmacy will not disappoint!

  • Matthew Gildea

    Matthew Gildea


    Called to fill my prescription and when I told them I was from out of state, the pharmacist said "nope, can't do it" and rudely hung up on me as I was trying to ask what the problem was. I work on the road, so I'm rarely in my home state and frequently must refill prescriptions on the road. Anyway, if this us their idea of customer service, best of luck to them. I would advise people to look elsewhere for their pharmacy needs, as these guys are rude and completely unprofessional.

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