Retro Fitness i Wallington

Forenede StaterRetro Fitness



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450, Main Avenue, 07057, Wallington, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 862-290-3046
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.8581751, Longitude: -74.100718

kommentar 5

  • Frank Grant

    Frank Grant


    Great workout spot... love the equipment (hate the color scheme) the people were focused on their workout and there was a wide range of ages excersizing... Sadly I only get an hour unpaid so I could only workout for 45 minutes..

  • Mohamed Aly

    Mohamed Aly


    Worst gym ever people over there don’t know anything at all one person says something and the other denies... they over charge you for no reason even thou I paid the cancellation fee and they still charged me for the following month




    Not a bad place. But they make it extremely difficult to discontinued memberships.

  • en

    kylie rosas


    Childcare is great. Clean, customer service is awesome. This is the gym our whole family goes to

  • Avigayl



    Filthy! Bathrooms havent been cleaned in years, clearly. Showers are slimy and stink. Entire row of treadmills are broken (or the TV'S are) and NEVER get fixed - nothing has been fixed or worked on since I joined. The membership rules changed (?) since I was a member in a different Retro 10 months ago but I was not informed. Now I have to pay $10 and get MDs note to get my teenage son a pass. Not impressed, but I was just informed I can't back out of contract without significant $ penalty. Management hasn't responded to my written complaints. I just want a normal, functioning, sanitary gym!

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