Retro Fitness in Paramus

Vereinigte StaatenRetro Fitness



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11, Park Place, 07652, Paramus, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakte telefon: +1 201-479-2883
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 40.962116, Longitude: -74.075033

kommentare 5

  • Nicholas McMahon

    Nicholas McMahon


    I see the gym is doing really well. However, there are still rarely used bikes in what was one of few open space area. This makes the seasonal frat boi migration from their dorm habitat extra crowded. Plus as I've mentioned before, there still seems to be this.. creepy middle to older age guys looking at little girls while having no regard for anyone's personal space... But what gym doesn't have that problem 🤷‍♂️ In all honesty, the gym is doing well. It's nice to see even the little changes, and things kinda being fixed.

  • Morgan Taylor

    Morgan Taylor


    This is my favorite Retro. They keep it very tidy. Staff is great. Other gym members are polite.

  • en

    Rat Shitt


    In my second week I now give this gym 4 stars and if things keep improving 5 soon I joined 24 as better hours and this place can’t be trusted to even open by 7 am

  • Krito2the Greatest

    Krito2the Greatest


    New ownership, much better now, staff is attentive and polite. Lots of machines and up to 150lbs dumbells. Climbing rope, lots of cardio stuff, push sled and Hammer Strength equipment. Everything you need from beginner to steriodal!

  • en

    Rick Hess


    Under new ownership!!!!! Gym is great 4 power racks Dumbells up to 150 Well maintained Owner and all employees go out of there way to help the gym members. Retro fitness has come along way in last few months. If you have never been you should check it out at least once. If you were once a member and left come back things have DEFINITELY changed.

nächste Fitnessstudio

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