Residence Inn by Marriott Boston Cambridge w Cambridge

Stany ZjednoczoneResidence Inn by Marriott Boston Cambridge



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Poniedziałekotwarte 24 godziny
Wtorekotwarte 24 godziny
Środaotwarte 24 godziny
Czwartekotwarte 24 godziny
Piątekotwarte 24 godziny
Sobotaotwarte 24 godziny
Niedzielaotwarte 24 godziny
120 Broadway, Six Cambridge Center, Cambridge, MA 02142, USA
kontakt telefon: +1 617-349-0700
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 42.363836, Longitude: -71.0880331

komentarze 5

  • Michael Leake

    Michael Leake


    We have always enjoyed our stay here while in Cambridge. Staff is friendly, rooms are clean and spacious with kitchenette and internet. Breakfast is always well stocked and a very nice variety that is well stocked. The location is convenient for hopping on the T to explore the city. The paid parking is convenient with in/out privileges.

  • Zoe Ziru Niu

    Zoe Ziru Niu


    Good sized rooms equipped everything you need for an extended stay (2 weeks for me). There was a small kitchen, dining table, decent sized desk, and a 2-seater sofa, in addition to the bed and large closet. Bathroom is always well stocked with fresh towels and toiletries. Both the pool and gym are small but good to have them anyways. Breakfast is not huge but has all the essentials. There’s also free food and drinks Mom-Wed evenings for everybody to enjoy

  • Eugene Mak

    Eugene Mak


    Very nice hotel. location was close to places we needed to go to like the subway, room itself was spacious and clean. Wifi had no device limit. Service was good. Complementary breakfast was satisfactory. Overall recommended

  • en

    Tim Adamec


    Arrived at 5 pm. We check in and go up to the room to discover it is not the room we reserved. Go back to front desk and we are informed the hotel is overbooked. Gentlemen at front desk said this happens frequently and we were lucky to get a room. Also stated there are several people they are expecting today that will not get a room. Not sure why he would volunteer that info, but I got the impression he was not lying. We asked why didn’t anyone call us to inform us of a change? (We drove over 4 and a half hours.) When we checked in how come they didn’t proactively explain the situation and offer some sort of resolution. After a discussion they said we would get a $25 reduction on the room. We found that unacceptable but had no choice. We did not have time to argue with the hotel staff or find somewhere else to stay. We called and spoke with someone to book a specific room as it met our family’s needs. I would not have considered Residence Inn knowing that a room we reserved could be given to others without being notified and with no thought of resolution or compensation. However, all we can do at this point is avoid this location on our returning trips to the area. Update: a member of the hotel staff named Matthew has reached out and has been kind and helpful. We are hopeful our next stay will be better.

  • en

    jesus gutierrez


    Very pleased with my stay here. Room was clean, room was stocked well with towels/soap/shampoo/etc. Very convenient location to the MIT campus, which made me very happy since I have some mobility issues. All the employees I interacted with were friendly and knowledgeable with my questions. The included breakfast was also very good. Lots of options available to choose from so even the pickiest water will hopefully find what they want.

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