Repop w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneRepop



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42, West Street, 11222, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-260-8032
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.728043, Longitude: -73.958836

komentarze 5

  • en

    Katie Long


    High quality and fair prices plus an excellent eye - I think many places tend to be either too full or too sparse and this place feels just right. And the items are always in lovely condition (repaired, cleaned, etc). It’s such a fun store to visit!

  • Dawn Brighid

    Dawn Brighid


    I love this place! The store is gorgeous and Russell gets new things in all the time. I bought an amazing Adrian Pearsall dining table and chairs from him... at a great price. Definitely worth checking out on a regular basis if you want vintage furniture. I hope you can see the table/chairs in this picture:

  • Rebecca Ross

    Rebecca Ross


    I LOVE THIS STORE!!!! Friendly staff and good deals for the neighborhood. The owner seems to have a great eye and everything is well placed.. I bought the chair pictured and two beautiful majestic lamps (not pictured because they are in my office). All in beautiful condition. It's really the spot to go for a good deal for gorgeous vintage furniture, lamps, odds and ends.

  • Karissa Krenz

    Karissa Krenz


    I love the curation of this shop so much! I'm always drooling over 99.9% of the pieces, and if I had unlimited cash and space I'd go nuts! But I did luck into this fabulous credenza--all of the storage is perfect for my little apartment, and the price was so incredibly reasonable, I couldn't pass it up! This place really does have the best deals on mid-century modern in town--I'm sure I'll find something I can't resist soon! (Oh, it's also fab for gifts--I've picked up a few little things, like an amazing flask, there too.)

  • en

    Renee Boyle


    I love this place! Every time I walk into this beautifully designed shop I find pieces that I've got to have! This isn't like other antique shops where you're walking through a maze of shabbily placed "stuff". Oh no, this is a place where you wander around carefully placed groups of furnishings, from complete bedroom sets to unique tables, settees, and plenty of ideas for accessorizing. But don't just check out the floor - be sure to look up - from floor to ceiling this shop has something for everyone!

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