Remona Hand Car Wash w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneRemona Hand Car Wash



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2472, Knapp Street, 11235, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-249-6983
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.592648, Longitude: -73.932889

komentarze 5

  • en

    alex verbitsky


    Unacceptable job and service. Sprayed inside stinky armor all over dust and dirt and that was their inside cleaning. Over all inside the car looked the same except now glossy from armor all. Wheels and mats were not brushed just power strayed. Now it came to the point if I want my car to be more clean I had to upgrade from $30 to $40. What about the dirt you left behind for $30??? TRUE SCAMMERS. DO NOT GO THERE. LEARN FROM OTHERS!!!

  • en



    Hand car wash. Detailed cleaning. Owner always takes care of his customers. Sometimes when owner is not around, employees don’t really care. I take my car once a week and always leave satisfied. If you live around here, it’s a good place to get your car washed. Recommended.

  • en

    Vlad Lyse


    Unprofessional car wash . Car always in stains , always need to wipe after them ! When i was at the car wash , i saw the customer was complaining that they scratch his car , the manager or the boss told him that it wasn't them and told him to piss off. very rood person it's not how you treat the customers.The manager middle eastern guy has no respect to customers , no knowledge . sloppy job . if i can give them a ZERO stars i would . Stay away from this car wash

  • en



    They will damage your car and lie to you that they didn't do it. very unprofessional. stay away

  • Azhar Naqvi

    Azhar Naqvi


    Hand washed the car, cleaned the inside and outside. The car looked brand new. Will check in again. Update: The place has upgraded and updated. Hand car wash was great. Car is looking new again after a month of accumulating dirt. Awesome job guys! I recommend Ramona Hand Car Wash...

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