Rejuvenation RX, LLC w El Paso

Stany ZjednoczoneRejuvenation RX, LLC



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2311, North Mesa Street, 79902, El Paso, El Paso County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 915-351-3799
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 31.774143, Longitude: -106.501359

komentarze 5

  • en

    Aaron Ramirez


    I Come to get botox every 4 months. Kim is very professional and knowledgeable when question arise. True artist. Recommended to anyone.

  • en

    Cyndy Hernandez


    Kim was amazing! I had fillers done yesterday & im ecstatic. I am so happy with the results & it is only a day after. I can’t imagine how much better I’ll look after it fully settles. I was a bit hesitant at first, afraid it might not look natural or maybe it would be very painful. I was pleasantly surprised when I saw the results. It made a drastic improvement, yet it looks natural & I didn’t feel a thing. She has a great hand & is truly an expert injector. I’ve had blood drawn where a tiny prick by a experienced nurse has left me with a horrible bruise. Today, I expected my face to be black & blue, but there is very minimal bruising. If I don’t mention it, no one would notice. I will recommend everyone I know to go to her. If you’re looking around for someone who is experienced and actually genuinely cares about your results, Kim Halow is who to go to. Her enthusiasm and love for her work is also so refreshing to see & makes one feel very special.

  • en

    Dolores Gonzalez


    Kim is so good at her art that I am willing to travel 500 miles to see her! Yes that's right I live in San Antonio, TX. I was seeing Kim while I lived in EL Paso and when I moved to San Antonio I just assumed I would be able to find a quality artist like her here. Boy was I wrong! Between the pricing being absolutely ridiculous and them refusing to show me the product before it was put into a syringe, to verify its authenticity and freshness, I was just frustrated! Kim taught me the importance of verifying the product before it is injected. What are these people thinking, they are injecting product into my face and they are insulted that I need verification? Something is not right. So rather than putting up with this behavior I simply make an appointment with Kim when I travel to El Paso. Plus I love El Paso and she is one of the hidden Gems!

  • Jaylynn Melendez

    Jaylynn Melendez


    I love Kim and her Assistant. They were both were so welcoming and did an amazing job on me and my mom! I will definitely be going back!

  • en

    Tom Sawyer


    I was hesitant to get any work done in El Paso because I had Botox done one time and it didn’t turn out so well. I’m beyond happy that I took a friend’s recommendation and gave Kim a chance because I am astounded at how I look now. She made my lips look so voluminous but also natural and also took away some lines that I thought were here to stay. When I first met Kim she was courteous and attentive to all of my questions and took the time to explain everything in detail but disregarding the amazing and extremely professional service, she has the most energy and enthusiasm for her work that I have experienced thus far in all of my visits to different doctors. Her staff was the same way. I would recommend her and her crew to both people who have had some work done in the past and to those who are considering going in for the first time. Two thumbs up all the way!

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