Regis Salon w Nashville

Stany ZjednoczoneRegis Salon



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2126, Abbott Martin Road, 37215, Nashville, Davidson County, US Stany Zjednoczone
kontakt telefon: +1 615-298-5999
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.1068641, Longitude: -86.81717

komentarze 5

  • Jason Goldston

    Jason Goldston


    Been a client for over a decade. John Pryor is a kind and exceptionally talented hair stylist. Highly recommended.

  • en

    Monica Ramsey


    JP is amazing ..... I will never go anywhere else ...... My color and cut is always perfect .

  • Bekah Hampton

    Bekah Hampton


    I came in today with hair that didn't seem fixable I had gross brassy blonde hair from another salon I looked at the reviews and decided to trust Barbara with my hair and she did a amazing job!! She explained exactly what she was doing and why she was doing it she also didn't make my really long hair feel like a hassle , I absolutely love my new hair . The atmosphere was great the staff is extremely friendly and laid back I'm so thankful I stumbled upon Barbara and this salon.

  • Doris Moskowitz

    Doris Moskowitz


    We had the best time at this salon with Olivia. My husband and I both got great haircuts and I had mine expertly volumized. We look ready for anything. Thanks Olivia!!!

  • en

    Kimi M


    I have been a client of J.P. (John Paul) for a couple of years now. I have struggled with the curse of fine, thinning hair - not only does a fabulous cut, he has taken the time to demonstrate various products and styling techniques appropriate for my hair type. This evening he prepped me for yet another holiday gathering; I was greeted with many a "Wow! You look GREAT! Who does your hair?" Many thanks to J.P. for the confidence granted me via your skills! It is liberating to walk into both professional and casual situations with confidence, knowing I am armed with a polished look. Additionally, J.P. is a delight. I always leave his chair feeling happier and prettier than when I arrived. He is also available for styling and blowouts - I will be booking him for my upcoming headshots (for social media and my employer's website) because I know I will look my best. He is extremely attentive and detail oriented.

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