Regal Pest Control & Management - Westchester Exterminators en Thornwood

Estados UnidosRegal Pest Control & Management - Westchester Exterminators



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10, Saint Charles Street, 10594, Thornwood, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 914-674-1102
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.12456, Longitude: -73.782558

comentarios 5

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    Joseph Damico


    I had an excellent experience with Regal Pest Management. They, ( Eric and Ed), were very friendly, courteous and extremely knowledgeable and did not pressure me into anything. They answered all my questions and left no stone unturned. Their service was exceptional and professional and I am very satisfied. I would definitely recommend them to anyone looking to obtain these kinds of services!

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    Jonathan cummings


    Regal has never once disappointed. Many pest businesses run a model of sell you now, never see you again. If you don't believe me try one. The owner has an extensive knowledge of all 'bugs' which is invaluable when determining the need for treatment. Regal has not once attempted to treat or sell for something that is untreatable, like stink bugs. No matter what, mice to termites its always been remediated fast and professionally.

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    AJ Gourmet


    Regal Pest Management is ALWAYS on point. One of the benefits to keeping business local is to be treated with better care and professionalism. Our regular service man never gets lethargic he goes through our establishment as if it was his first visit. Always with a flash light checking everywhere and I am anxious to hear his reports of areas that my need better maintenance or cleaning. They always have good equipment and are treated well as they all take pride in what they do. This reflects a good boss NICE JOB ERICK! When we had an excessive amount of flies the team was on it ASAP. Great Service Great Response Time!

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    Shawn M


    Regal Pest Management has been terrific. We recently moved into a new house that needed some TLC and had not been sprayed for bugs in a while. Regal came out and did a great job controlling bug problem and mice problem. They also have been great at coming back when ever needed. I would highly recommend them .

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    Gene Ehrens


    I was fortunate to find out about Regal through a technician from my former pest control company. He wanted to work for Regal. Once I hired Regal I found out how a pest control company should take care of my house. Eric Morse has been a valuable resource for any of my concerns. His technicians are excellent. I highly recommend this company.

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