Redbones Barbecue w Somerville

Stany ZjednoczoneRedbones Barbecue



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55, Chester Street, 02144, Somerville, Middlesex County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 617-628-2200
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 42.39519, Longitude: -71.122323

komentarze 5

  • John Brierley

    John Brierley


    Probably my favorite barbecue in the Boston area! Bar space upstairs is separate from the dining area. The dining area down stairs is paired with the bar. Dimly lit, nice environment. Friendly staff, kind of pricey but great portions and you're almost sure to go home with left overs. Decent prices on drinks, cocktails are decent but the beer list is always fantastic!

  • Claire DeVore

    Claire DeVore


    Redbones has closely hewed to its original opening, Oh So Many years ago! I'm iffy on the BBQ and very committed to the catfish.. The fried okra is a wish unfullfilled: very tough and old but well fried.. Is it frozen? Tip there's a special of leftovers (at least at lunch) watch the big guys eating and ask. My family are Texan and they love it, I prefer Blue Ribbon. Bar is odd shape (upstairs) not good for making friends but great for eating. Staff super.. Smoking Bench outside! Parking difficult at dinner despite nearby lot.

  • Marina Flaherty

    Marina Flaherty


    I hate red bones the people there are not dressed appropriately I saw one with a belly shirt and another few wearing sweatshirts they should really dress appropriately it made me very uncomfortable there and it's ridiculous we wanted an appetizer of bread with butter not only did it coast money it coasted two dollars per break what a rip off and they changed so much they took a lot of stuff off the walls it just doesn't feel like the red bones I went with my baby sitter when i was younger and they added to much of a strong sauce for the rips it made me. Nauseous And the peacan pie was awful and when we walked in and the table didn't even have silverware

  • Anthony Bissell

    Anthony Bissell


    This place has much more vegetarian food than you'd think. It's incredibly vegetarian and gluten free friendly with all of the items on their menu properly labeled. I went here for a 'Dadcheldor' party and was expecting to have some coleslaw and biscuits for dinner. I was delightfully surprised to find there were a dozen or more things on the menu that were vegetarian friendly. Definitely try the fried pickles.

  • en

    Nick Hill


    Cool spot. Lots or beers to choose from. Gets a bit loud at times, but a good atmosphere. Food is good. I like the beef brisket, baked beans, dirty mashed, and corn bread the best. Pulled pork is also good. My wife loves the buffalo shrimp.

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