Recovery Room i San Antonio

Forenede StaterRecovery Room



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1139, Harry Wurzbach, 78209, San Antonio, Bexar County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 210-930-6612
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 29.4699902, Longitude: -98.4387385

kommentar 5

  • Nick Johnson

    Nick Johnson


    Great little Dive Bar tucked away on Harry Wurzbach. Full of locals with a great staff buying the bar and a friendly owner that does whatever she can to make you happy. Cool little dive.

  • Michael Aaron

    Michael Aaron


    Great drinks, kind people, but when I didn't tip, the bartender rudely made a comment about it. I understand that she's trying to make a living but guess what? So am I. And I can't afford to tip after every single drink I order. It's this kind of behavior that would make me not want to come back to this place

  • lauren armenta

    lauren armenta


    This is the best bar in San Antonio they have amazing drinks, atmosphere, and the best bartender in town we loved Heather and we can't wait to come back again! Great place to spend an evening off from work, so much fun!💖💖💖 -Lauren & Kyle

  • en

    Howard Stich


    I’m so proud of Heather, she has made this place what it is supposed to be. Great bar, fun, good drinks, and great service! Love....

  • en

    GERRY Hernandez


    Great after work stop to relax wait the traffic ..and come back after dinner for a nice very cold beer or favorite watch a game ,bring friends ,play pool ,darts,visit w your favorite Bartender on certain nights you can order great food,,also Stake night is a must not miss

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