Reade Street Animal Hospital in New York

Vereinigte StaatenReade Street Animal Hospital



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146, Reade Street, 10013, New York, New York County, US Estados Unidos
kontakte telefon: +1 212-274-1700
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 40.7166944, Longitude: -74.0100508

kommentare 5

  • alla kellerman

    alla kellerman


    So happy with this place! I had an emergency with my dog and they were able to see me without hesitation. I have been coming here ever since. Dr. Xanthos is amazing. She is nice, super knowledgeable and makes me feel like I am always in good hands. Highly recommend!!

  • Eduardo Tazon Maigre

    Eduardo Tazon Maigre


    Will not recommend at all, specially because they might have prevented our puppy from obtaining the analysis and treatment it needed. Although the staff in general is nice and caring (with some exceptions if they are in a rush) after going for several months with our 7 months old puppy we realized that their entire strategy is to only get the most money out of you. They will only recommend in house testing for parasites, very unlikely to offer further analytics as those are not done in the hospital, they will try to make you switch to the products they sponsor, such as the Hills food, even if your own is much better quality, they will always try to get you to go for unnecessary 95 dollar appointments to barely even run a basic check on the dogs health... In general this place doesn't give an impression of professionalism and genuine care for the animals, its just a money making business.

  • en

    Andrew corrigan


    the staff and service/treatment is so incredible here my dogs actually want to go in when they do not have an appointment. They are professional, extremely caring and knowledgeable. All treatment is discussed in length, so you have a full understanding. So far I have had no problems with the quadruplet I have now.

  • en

    Robyn Brower


    Great service. Wonderful people.

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    Julie Hylton


    Dr. Mary Xanthos is a knowledgeable, caring & compassionate vet. She treats my cat like she were her own. Dr Xanthos takes the time to thoroughly explain what she's doing, talk through her diagnosis, and answer all my questions. I completely trust her and her staff to take the best care of both my cat and me :)

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