Rasmussen Cello Studio i Irvine

Forenede StaterRasmussen Cello Studio



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131, Rodeo, 92602, Irvine, Orange County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 714-845-7006
internet side: www.teacherofcello.com
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Latitude: 33.735873, Longitude: -117.750813

kommentar 4

  • en

    Faren Hsu


    John is a great cello instructor. He cares about the student and works with the parent to resolve the problem. My daughter had a hard time learning the instrument at first but John made the lesson really fun for her to keep her interest in continuing playing. He is very professional in his field and his teaching technique is great! I’m very happy I found him as my daughter’s cello instructor.

  • en

    Dana S


    John Rasmussen is an extremely talented cellist and instructor. My son (12yrs old) is excited to attend lessons every week. We appreciate his attention to detail and patience. My son started with John a fews ago and we will happily continue!

  • Mary Storll

    Mary Storll


    John Rasmussen is a wonderful instructor!! He is extremely knowledgeable & patient. I have a tendency the get frustrated with myself when I have trouble learning something and John is great finding new ways to explain an idea until you get it. I would recommend him as an instructor to any skill level! His passion for cello always inspires me to do my best.

  • zh

    bw h


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