Ramsey Florist w Ramsey

Stany ZjednoczoneRamsey Florist



🕗 godziny otwarcia

180, Franklin Turnpike, 07446, Ramsey, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-327-0672
strona internetowej: www.ramseyflorist.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.064179, Longitude: -74.133299

komentarze 5

  • en

    Mustafa Ahmed


    Forget about all the other florist shops out there. Ramsey Florist knows the meaning of customer service. I've used them twice and had extremely positive experiences. Once on a phone order and another in person at their store. They greet you with a friendly smile and are willing to go out of their way to make sure you are please with their service. And their arrangements are beautiful. Needless to say I would not go anywhere else.

  • en

    connie farnham


  • Kristen Breyer Roy

    Kristen Breyer Roy


    Ramsey Florist never disappoints! I use them exclusively for my family, friends and clients! Thank you Connie & Team for always putting together such beautiful floral creations!

  • Heather Lynn Knichel

    Heather Lynn Knichel


    My co-worker's boyfriend ordered flowers from this establishment on Friday and they never showed up. When he called, they had never entered his order so they ended up delivering them on Monday. Today is Tuesday and half of them are dead. After learning all of this and seeing the flowers for myself I would never use this company. Also, her boyfriend's personalized note was never delivered and they did not provide flower food. They also reassured her boyfriend that the flowers they were delivering to her were from that morning's shipment, so clearly half of them should not have died 24 hours later.

  • en

    john occh


    The best florist around. Great location at Ramsey Nursery. Amazing quality amd great selection. Plenty of parking.

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